What should I wear for my new year’s eve party?
December 29, 2008Once you’ve bought the last Christmas present and written out your shopping lists for all your Christmas meals, one big dilemma still remains: “WHAT SHALL I WEAR FOR NEW YEAR’S EVE?”. Because we at Gleni share these same problems, I thought I would do a bit of research, looking around and investigating on the Web and checking out the Fashion Weeks, to find some useful suggestions that will help you look beautiful during such a fantastic and glittering time.
But we, of Gleni team, do we use our products for ourselves ???
December 26, 2008Dear Customer, Have you ever wondered about which handbags those of us at Gleni choose for ourselves? So that you can get to know us better, we have decided to do some brief interviews about our products directly with some of the individual members of our staff. We really hope that these friendly revelations will help you to feel closer to us and to our way of working, even though we may be thousands of miles away from you.
Best wishes for Christmas from the Gleni team
December 24, 2008Christmas is a special time for everybody, whatever their race or nationality. It is probably the only feast which joins people all around the world in an unique big embrace. It is just in this atmosphere of joy and serenity that we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas, hoping that it is really harmonious and peaceful for everybody all over the world.
Red bags: the best expression of a fashionable Christmas
December 22, 2008This year why not combine this tradition with fashion? Why don’t you buy a red handbag for Christmas time, and so enjoy the wonderful sensation of having an exclusive exotic leather bag, that is both comfortable and very fashionable, which combines Christmas traditions of luck and abundance with good looks and elegance?!
A red handbag is always youthful, elegant and extremely trendy, going perfectly with every style and tonality. You can wear it at your Christmas dinner, when you meet all your family and friends to spend some pleasant hours together or at the end of the year, when you go clubbing, partying or to a smart New Year’s Eve do, seeing in 2009 sheathed in a glamorous black silk evening dress.