Merry Christmas to you all by Gleni Team!

December 25, 2010 0 By sonia.massi

It’s Christmas day and everybody in the world is preparing to celebrate it with joy and serenity. Children are very excited, above all the smallest ones, for the many gifts and toys they are going to receive from their parents and relatives, while adults are struggling with the preparation of the latest dishes specialities to offer to their guests on occasion of the traditional Christmas lunch.

Christmas trees are enlightened and sparkle with many colors; decorations are everywhere and it’s possible to breath a special atmosphere of peace and quietness.

It’s just in this climate of joy, that we’d like to wish to all our kind customers and visitors of  our Gleni blog a Merry Christmas. We hope that you will spend these days in complete harmony and absolute relaxation, surrounded by all the people you love most, with plenty of good cheer and good luck.

A special thought is also addressed to all those people that, because of many different reasons, won’t spend a nice Christmas day this year; we would like to send them our heartfelt wishes for a luckier and more hopeful New Year 2011.

Merry Christmas to you all by Arben, Tatiana, Sonia, Cristina and by all the other members of Gleni staff!!!!

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