Epiphany: the traditional Italian feast on the last day of Christmas
January 5, 2009Unlike many other countries around the world, Christmas time here in Italy isn’t over yet. The last celebration that brings this long and very joyful Christmas period to an end is Epiphany, celebrated on January the 6th. Up until this date Italian factories are closed and the Gleni staff is still on holiday too. But…
2008 reviewed and Gleni’s plans for 2009
January 2, 2009Dear Visitors and Customers, 2008 has just ended and we would really like to thank you with all our hearts for the friendship and cordiality that you have shown towards our company and our way of working. As you know, we are extremely enthusiastic about our business policy and especially about the creations we make,…
What should I wear for my new year’s eve party?
December 29, 2008
Once you’ve bought the last Christmas present and written out your shopping lists for all your Christmas meals, one big dilemma still remains: “WHAT SHALL I WEAR FOR NEW YEAR’S EVE?”. Because we at Gleni share these same problems, I thought I would do a bit of research, looking around and investigating on the Web and checking out the Fashion Weeks, to find some useful suggestions that will help you look beautiful during such a fantastic and glittering time.
But we, of Gleni team, do we use our products for ourselves ???
December 26, 2008
Dear Customer, Have you ever wondered about which handbags those of us at Gleni choose for ourselves? So that you can get to know us better, we have decided to do some brief interviews about our products directly with some of the individual members of our staff. We really hope that these friendly revelations will help you to feel closer to us and to our way of working, even though we may be thousands of miles away from you.