A GLENI bag should be your next handbag: 8 reasons
June 18, 2018 0Today, you’ll make a pleasant discovery: a GLENI bag will be your next bag. I’m going to explain you why. Now, hang on tight, get ready and reach for your wallet because at the end of this reading you will not resist to buy a GLENI bag!
Gleni’s best wishes for a Happy New Year to all of you!
December 31, 2011 0Are you ready to put behind your shoulder the almost finished 2011 with all its bad experiences and little arguments you may have had with your friends and relatives, leaving space only to good memories? It’s the end of the year and, as usual, we tend to put on the balance all the positive and…
Best Wishes for a Happy New Year 2011
December 31, 2010 0
Another year has flown away with all its positive and negative moments, its big unexpected surprises and its difficulties.
The just passed 2010 has been for Gleni a crucial year because it signaled a breakthrough in the development of the company itself, thanks to the opening of the new Gleni Boutique
For a Charitable Christmas….purchases which help others!!
December 25, 2010 0
December is a very busy time for all shoppers: it can be stressful going from one shopping center to the next, trying to find the perfect holiday gifts for your family and friends.
You’ve thought of so many ideas to wrap up and put under the tree, and each one has its own special reason to make it unique to the person who will receive it.
Gleni – Italian Luxury Handbags
via Risorgimento, 43, 63074,
S. Benedetto del Tronto (AP), Italia
Gleni S.r.l.
P.IVA 02245320441
Tel (+39) 0735657565
Fax (+39) 0735657565
Whatsapp (+39) 3737206057