Category: Fashion and Trends

Here you will find many different articles written by us or by our valuable collaborators, about the latest fashion trends in terms of bags and accessories and about the genuine MADE IN ITALY, as well as texts already published in our catalogues and also translations of relevant articles that we think you might find especially interesting.

Refinement and lots of Italian style at the Paris shows for Summer 2013

October 12, 2012 0
Paris Fashion Week

The long month of the pret-a-porter fashion parades for Spring /Summer 2013 has just ended, with Paris bringing it full circle, enchanting the many buyers, journalists and fashion experts. Many stars and celebrities attended the presentations, with their surprise effects and the most unthinkable and innovative entertainments.

There was much curiosity and expectation around the first Raf Simon women’s collection for

By sonia.massi

Leather bags, shoes and accessories: Mipel – 102nd edition

September 27, 2012 0
Mipel Show 2012

Mipel has always been recognized as the fundamental showcase for the best of Made in Italy. This year too the 102nd edition of Mipel,  despite the negative influence of the recession, closed with impressive figures.

One of Italy’s strongest national skills lies in  leather and its processing, its tanning methods and the creativity that very often combines with ever more

By sonia.massi