Category: Buying online: suggestions

Payment Online by Credit Card

June 12, 2009 1
Why has your payment been declined?

Payment Online by Credit Card (Part 3) – what to do if your payment is declined.

You have finally decided to make your purchase. You have already taken your credit card out of your wallet decisively, filled in all the necessary blanks on the payment page and…. at last the message “transaction in progress” appears and then

By admin

Payment online by credit card (Part 2)

June 5, 2009 1
Payment online by credit card

Have you ever wondered why, when buying goods in one online shop, at the time of payment, you pay for your purchase directly in just a few simple steps in the online shop where you placed your order, while in other shops, after having added your chosen goods to the cart, you are asked to fill in a form with your personal data and then, when you click on the “Confirm” button, you are sent to a secure bank payment gateway or to some other payment system? How many times, after having confirmed your order, have you suddenly found yourself on a strange page, outside the e-shop where you made your purchase, with different graphics to the normal pages of the e-shop, where you have probably been asked to fill in all the fields with your personal data again and then with your credit card data?

By admin